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Singapore’s IMDA, Dell, Equinix aim to green ICT
Partnership works to sustainably modernize digital infrastructure deployment in Asia
The Asset   25 Aug 2023

The Singapore government’s Infocomm Media Development Authority ( IMDA ), Dell Technologies and digital infrastructure firm Equinix have joined forces with the aim, they say, “of reshaping the way digital infrastructure is designed, deployed and maintained with a focus on promoting sustainable digital solutions and green technology practices across the region”.

As part of this partnership, the three organizations will provide guidance and recommendations to modernize digital infrastructure deployment sustainably and to optimize the integration and use between hardware and software interfaces.

The partnership, Equinix notes, will develop a comprehensive process to measure, capture and audit the quantifiable sustainability improvement in the form of energy and carbon emission savings.

“This partnership,” the company adds, “represents another important step towards promoting green ICT [information and communications technology] practices and driving the development of sustainable digital applications.”

Ong Chen Hui, assistant chief executive of the IMDA’s biztech group, points out: “Greening the ICT sector is an important priority for the IMDA. Earlier this year, Singapore launched one of the world’s first standards for optimizing the energy efficiency of data centres in tropical climates.”